terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2014


Do you know maniçoba is?
Well, maniçoba is one of the most important dishes of Paraense cuisine. It is also called “feijoada Paraense”.
Maniçoba is an exotic food made with manioc leaves boiled with water during seven days to eliminate toxic substances.
This dish originates from an indigenous culture. In the past, the indigenous people made this food on special occasions. Similarly, today it is traditionally served during the religious festival, called “Círio de Nazaré”.
The procession of Círio de Nazaré is celebrated in almost every municipality in Pará, but the most famous one occurs in Belém on the second Sunday in October.
If you want to taste it, but you don’t want to wait until October to do that, how about learning how to cook this delicious typical Paraense food?

Recipe for Maniçoba

Preparation time: 7 days
Serving size: 25 portions


3 kg of ground manioc leaves
½ kg of bacon
½ kg of dried meat
½ kg of Portuguese sausage                               Some of the ingredients used to cook it
½ kg of Paio sausage
½ kg of roasted meat
½ kg of Pork loin
Minced garlic (to taste)
Pepper (to taste)

How to prepare

On the first day, put the ground manioc leaves in a large pot with some water. Let it boil all day on low heat without drying out. Repeat that every day for seven days.
On the sixth day, boil all of the meat, and add it to the ground manioc leaves, stirring occasionally.
On the following day, add the garlic and pepper to the pot and let it boil for 6 more hours, stirring occasionally.

Serve with white rice

Don’t be scared by the first impression because despite its dark look it has a delicious taste!
Come visit Belém, where you’ll enjoy getting to know our touristic points and tasting our delicious food!

6 comentários:

  1. Respostas
    1. Hello Adriana,

      If you intend to buy the ingredients, you can go to Ver-o-Peso or any supermarket in Belém to buy that.

      But, If you want to buy the dish ready to eat... you can go to Nazaré Avenue, around the corner of Generalissímo Deodoro Street to buy this food! ^^

      I think, after to eat, you can visit Basílica church and know more about the Cirío and the turistic point of our city!

  2. People prepare maniçoba in their houses before "Círio de Nazaré". Maniçoba has an interesting smell and when we pass on the sidewalks we can smell it coming from almost all houses. It's really interesting to know that people only eat it during Círio, because maniçoba is not easy to prepare. So, there are people who wait only for the Círio de Nazaré to eat that dish.

  3. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  4. I love maniçoba, is very good the text teach how prepare , unfortunately I didn't ate maniçoba in this year yet, but I have hope.
    I disagree about the term "feijoada paraense", because is a dish paraense just. You can change for another thing.

  5. Enjoyed the text, as well as talking about one of the most delicious food served here in our state, also speaks of the origin of this food, which is recognize indigenous knew creativity in the use of a plant to make such a different and delicious food .
    Well, maniçoba is not only served on the círio, but throughout the year it is served in the main sights of the city, such as the ver-o-peso and the station docks, for example. And really is delicious at any time of year.
    For the next posts, I suggest that also put the sites in Belém where you can eat this delicacy, so people who do not know these places can know them in our city.
