terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2014

Açaí: The Delicious Fruit From Pará

Açaí (Euterpe oleracea, Mart.) is a typical Amazonian fruit found mostly in Pará. The biggest production of açaí is in Abaetetuba, Cumbu island and Igarapé-Miri. Açaí has a long harvest, starting in August and finishing in December.
The açaí fruit is important because it contributes as a source of income to the “ribeirinhos” (the people who live by the rivers) by improving Pará’s economy.
Consuming the açaí fruit is more than just a nutritious habit, it is also a cultural habit in Pará. In the culinary world, this exotic fruit is consumed with salted shrimp and fried fish, and it is also made into ice cream.

This fruit has become known around the world for its bioactive compost, principally for its fenolic compost. The anthocyanins in açaí are natural antioxidants, and this fruit also contains many vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and omega 6 and 9. These properties of açaí help to prevent chronic degenerative diseases and cardiovascular diseases.
This small fruit, only about 1 centimeter with a purplish-black color, has many benefits. Anyone who tries açaí fruit also tries our culture and tradition. We invite you to come to know this wonderful fruit and experience its benefits!

5 comentários:

  1. Wow, I really like açaí, is my favorite fruit.
    I drink açaí all day in the lunch or dinner and I hope to drink all my life.
    I don't remember when I was the first time that I drunk, my mother grow up with this culture and passed for me.
    Great text, I really like it.

  2. Appreciated by many paraenses but particularly not for me, this drink is highly valued in my region for the ease aggregated it with other foods (examples: fried fish, meat ...). Still the main dish of many street vendors and taste buds to many visitors to the city of Belém.

    1. But you don't like it just because you are hispster, right? hahaha

  3. Great text, it's really difficult to meet someone from Pará that don't like Açaí.
    In other states in Brazil açaí is mixed with 'granola' or 'guarana', changing completely its taste and look.

    To Eat (or drink) açaí in Pará is a unique experience, because the way of serving is accompanied by some types of flour that are common only in the region, such as flour of 'tapioca' (that is white) or flour of water (that is yellow), both coming from cassava, widely cultivated in the state, some take with sugar, others prefer to enjoy the full flavor of the fruit.
