quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2014

Cinema has different genres of movies. One of those is the musical. This genre was influenced by theather, especially musicals, for example: Broadway's show. However, musicals don't have only people who sing, but also can include some coreographed dances. Thus, when the cinema cultur emerged, it absorbed the genre of the theater.

Initially muted, the musicals were concerned about registering theatrical performance, including dance, such as the pioneering  "The Mexican Dancer" in 1898. This is the beginning of a project to reproduce and distribute others forms of art, directing them to the masses - with a comercial purpose. After the frist thirty years of the cinema, the frist film with synchronized sound track recorded appeared in 1927: "The Jazz Singer", tells the story of a wannabe singer who suffered prejudice from tradicional jazz singers, because he hada white skim.

The 1927 year, is doubly remakeble for the musical spectacle. Techinically, there was the possiblility of lauching films with music. In language, the play "Show Boat"revolutionizes the narrative genre, intrisically tying the letters to the plot and themes addressed in innovating (racial conflit, alcoholism, gambling addiction an all whithou the happy end).

Immediately the producers noticed the possibility of investing in a new genre. In just two years, it was produced 80 musical titles and the number increased to 104 in 1930. However, many of the early productions weren't constructed based on music, but about music, especialy popular compositions.

Still in that time, it was an appropriation of th cultural industry by itself. Thus, other title were filmed based on Broadway musical performances, hits as "Rio Rita" (1929). Although, rare in the early years, this type of reintepratation became in a shot time the procuction model, adding some literaly works for musical theater ans musical theater for films.

Actually we can see a great upgrading in this genre. New songs, new dance styles influenced it, giving to the musicals a new visual. If you wish go back in time just wacth a musical movie. If you want a new inspiration, just feel what the movies can provide you. The musical movies can make you dream by dancing.

By: Victor Leite

quinta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2014

Um peixe fora d’água
I never really enjoyed studying English. It has been always very difficult for me. I did not understand anything in English. Also, English was not an interesting language for me because it was not very similar to Portuguese - I am fascinated with Romance languages, such as Spanish and Italian.
Initially, in my Elementary School I did not learn English very well. It was tought in a mechanical way and we did not practice writing or reading in class. So, I did not recognize the importance of  studying English. For this reason, English has never fascinated me.
Some years later when I started to study Biology at UFPA, I found it difficult because all the articles, scientific studies, new Biology discoveries are written in English. “What will I do now”? I asked myself. Since then, I understood that English is essential and I must learn.
Then I had my first experience in an English course through “Inglês Sem Fronteiras”, this year. I started to study in the English Grammar Course. In the beginning it was terrible! I did not know anything in English and did not understand what the teacher and my classmates were speaking. For this situation, I would call it in Portuguese: “me senti como um peixe fora d’água”, this expression is used when you do not understand anything and for this reason you do not feel confortable in an place.
What did I do for change it? Well, I have been following some steps to learn English, such as practicing every day with others English’s students and by myself; also I review words, expressions, verbs, etc and do a list of achievements and goals that I desire. Undoubtely being patient and not giving up when I made mistakes helped me a lot in the learning process. All these steps are important but the most important thing you can do to learn a second language is believing in yourself.
And about today? So, I have been studying in the Writing and Reading Course, from “Inglês Sem Fronteiras” . It is other time which has been very important for me. I am learning some strategies to have a background knowledge in the reading and writing process.
Since then I have been perceived that I am improving gradually. Some times I cannot believe that I understand texts, songs and movies in English; or ever better: I understand what a native speaker says. However, I recognize that I need to learn more.
So, if you think that English is hard to learn, do not be afraid! You can start to study it even today. You will really be glad when you start understanding English! And about de old “peixe fora d’água”? The “Ingles Sem Fronteiras” with native and Brazilian teachers tought me how to jump in to the water.

By: Marcel Pires

terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2014

The reading as a strategy for learn English

I have always loved literature. I have read lots of books during my life. Obviously that I read these books in Portuguese. But, recently, I have chose the literature as an important strategy to learn English.
Actually, I have other ways to learn English (differently from grammar books), for instance, watching movies and sitcoms with subtitles in English. Sometimes, when I have time I listen to music and read the lyrics to practice the language.
Currently, I am trying to read a good book in English because more than new words and idiomatic expressions, I will learn some social aspects and history of the countries where people speak English.
I am reading “Pride and prejudice” written by Jane Austen. The book tells us the love story between Elizabeth and Darcy, where both have strong personality but fall in love after some situations.

        I loved the characters! Elizabeth is amazing! She is very  intelligent, sensible and perceptive! It seems that she is a woman on the 21st century. About Darcy, he is handsome, rich and very “pride” male protagonist. But, the most important    thing is that he is a good man. In fact, he is a gentleman!
 What I think is the most interesting in this reading is the fact that the story was written more than 200 years ago, and the main characters are wonderful and current. It is incredible! Despite that some people say that the romantic hero was created from the author’s dolls , it does not change the importance of character.
There are accented different personalities between Elizabeth and her four sisters. Each one has a personality, abilities and behaviors different from each other. Besides that, through the reading, it is possible to think about the importance role of women on the society.
The story shows us some characteristics of the women who lived in England society on the 19th century. They worry about marriage, education, good manners, and their family. Currently, it is not much different despite they do many things that in the last century they could not do. For example working out, having right to vote and they are independent in many aspects.
 I am enjoying so much that book. I am very anxious to finish the reading because I want to watch the BBC miniseries. I heard that the miniseries are faithful to the book’s story, so it should be wonderful!
And you… do like to read? What kind of books do you usually read?  

                              Written by Anna Rosa Moraes.